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世界观|就业史诗级难度?聊一聊历史上的“就职冰河期” 全球资讯


"I got tired of the rat race!" This year"s graduates or corporate slave looking to change jobs might say something like this,Emphasis on education and employment experience, the number of getting national civil servant examination reaches new high, a weakening Labor market may now be coming to fruition.



Some people may know that the reasons for the sluggish job market are the slow economic recovery after the pandemic, job shortages and job mismatches.


However, draw Lessons from History, there is a group of people in Japan who went through the "employment ice Age" and are now middle-aged.

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What is employment ice age?


After Japan"s 1986-1991 economy bubble burst, It"s no surprise that a generation of graduates have fallen into the employment ice age, this generation is also known as the "lost generation".

从1990 年1 月开始,日本的股票价格和土地价格暴跌,导致所谓的“泡沫(经济)破灭”。

Starting in January 1990, Japan"s stock and land prices plunged, leading to the so-called "(economic) bubble bursting."


Major financial institutions have collapsed, and in the midst of a recession, in an effort to reduce labor costs caused by overemployment during the economic bubble period, companies are holding back on hiring, and employees are even being laid off at short notice.


What happened in “employment ice age”?


At the time, Japan described soaring discontent with job seekers as the "resentment of the employment ice age".


At that time, even college students had informal jobs, and many of so-called “Job flyer” worked as temporary workers, dispatched workers, and part-time workers.


In 1999, Japan adopted the "probationary" system, in which those who fail to work during the probationary period will be dismissed immediately.


By 2005-2009, Japan"s employment environment recovered, but due to the nearly 13 years of recruitment restrictions, many enterprises are facing labor shortages, and the number of " Black-heart enterprises" with poor working conditions has increased.


In addition, due to recruitment restrictions, the age structure of employees is not evenly distributed, making it difficult to inherit skills and technologies, as a result, enterprises have begun to recruit a large number of fresh graduates, but those who have graduated and cannot find a job and want to change jobs work for many years are facing a serious situation.


This has also caused employment anxiety among fresh graduates.


Because of Japan"s strong emphasis on young workers and experienced workers, forming two extremes, the age gap in the middle puts some workers who have never had a permanent job and want to change jobs at a huge disadvantage.


This is known in Japan as "mid-career recruitment", if those who leave their jobs without accumulate enough skills, have a hard time finding new jobs.


At the same time, the employment policy of Japan and some countries is centered on fresh graduates, those cannot find a job because of gender and age and other reasons are everywhere without policy support.


So, you may say, " fresh graduates and people with good resumes are not everywhere," and most companies make up for that by rehiring low-wage outside workers and rehiring retirees.


To break the "big enterprise myth", the employment view should be changed


What does this history tell us about previous generations" experiences of success and failure? The employment environment is hard to change, should we change our inherent thinking patterns?


There was a time when the "big business myth" as a value system was still very persistent in economically depressed Japanese society, and the idea that people wanted to work for a large enterprise for a lifetime coincided with the idea that some of us have today.


However, in 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank, one of the banks that Japan once thought would never go bankrupt, went bankrupt, and in 2005, Yamaichi Securities, Japan"s largest securities company, also entered the road of dissolution, breaking people"s dreams of entering a large enterprise safely after graduation.


Then came the change of the thought of life time commitment, and the traditional Japanese view of lifetime employment has undergone a sharpening and transformation in today"s society.


The June edition of Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported a surge in the number of older Japanese workers looking to change jobs, with an official survey finding that workers aged 45 to 64 had change their jobs in the first three months of this year.


An average of 3.78 million people said they wanted to change jobs, up more than 30% from the same period in 2018.


For Corporate slaves, we do not want to see an " employment ice age ", but according to expert analysis, people who have went through this period are more likely to have an objective perspective, be highly specialized, and master excellent skills such as Internet research.


All that words seems pale and thin here, wishing you all the best.


Accumulate experience and retain the feeling of things as we move forward, maybe we are experiencing a different landscape.





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